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ring finger 無名指〔尤指左手的,結婚戒指通常戴在這里〕。

ring hunt

Among them , operating with the power from the tip of the thumb is called finger - tip pushing ; in which the interphalangeal joint of the thumb is fixed at the back - stretching position , operating with the force from the whorled surface is shao - shang point at the side of the thumb - radius is called lateral pushing , in this operation , the operator slightly flexes his wrist joint with index finger , middle finfer , ring finger and little finger naturally stretching forward in the finger - separating pattern 以拇指端峰為著力點操作的稱指峰推;操作時,拇指之間關節固定在背伸位,以羅紋面為著力點的稱羅紋推;以拇指橈側少商處為著力面的又叫偏峰推,此法操作時腕關節略屈,食、中、無名、小指向前自然伸開,成散手狀。

Of them , transfer of index finger dorsal island flap was performed in 2 cases , transfer of middle finger ulnar island flap and index finger dorsal island flap in one case , transfer of double island flaps from middle finger and ring finger in one case 其中示指背側島狀皮瓣轉移修復拇指損傷2例,中指尺側島狀皮瓣加示指背側島狀皮瓣轉移修復拇指脫套傷1例,中環指雙島狀皮瓣轉移修復拇指撕脫離斷傷1例,中指尺側島狀皮瓣轉移修復拇指損傷4例。

Any time he chose to molest her armpit , he always used the ring finger on his right hand ( the only finger he had on that hand , all the others having been cut off ) and that digit terminated in a long , vicious fingernail which was never manicured into an acceptable smoothness 每次他騷擾她的腋窩時,總是用他右手上戴戒指的那根手指(也是那手上唯一的一根,其他的手指都被砍掉了) ,指端留有長指甲,且從不修剪整齊。

The findings , published in the british journal of sports medicine , found that women with ring fingers longer than their index fingers had performed better at running and associated running sports such as soccer and tennis 此項研究結果在《英國體育醫學》上發表,研究發現,無名指比食指長的女性在跑步和與跑步相關的一些項目,如足球和網球中表現較為突出。

The findings , published in the british journal of sports medicine , found that women with ring fingers longer than their index fingers had performed better at running and associated running sports such as soccer and tennis 此項研究結果在英國醫學上發表,研究發現,無名指比食指長的女性在跑步和與跑步相關的一些項目,如足球和網球中表現較為突出。

The findings , published in the british journal of orts medicine , found that women with ring fingers longer than their index fingers had performed better at ru ing and a ociated ru ing orts such as soccer and te is 此項研究結果在《英國體育醫學》上發表,研究發現,無名指比食指長的女性在跑步和與跑步相關的一些項目,如足球和網球中表現較為突出。

Place a small amount on the tips of each ring finger and rub the two ring fingers together . apply the cream by gently smoothing it over the entire eye area in a circular movement . use every morning and evening 將少許眼霜放在無名指上,柔柔地打圈輕按眼圈,由上眼角開始,隨著眼睛的輪廓向外按,再按眼肚,至下眼外角為止,切勿涂在接近眼球的位置。

The report said detection of sporting potential by examining the ratio between the index and ring fingers “ could help identify talented individuals at a pre - competitive stage . 研究報告中說,通過研究食指和無名指之間的比例探測人的競技潛力“可以及早發現未過競技年齡競技人才“ 。

The report said detection of sporting potential by examining the ratio between the index and ring fingers “ could help identify talented individuals at a pre - competitive stage . 研究報告中說,通過研究食指和無名指之間的比例探測人的競技潛力“可以及早發現(未過競技年齡)競技人才“ 。

Methods the transfer of island flaps from middle and ring fingers and / or index finger dorsal island flap to repair injuried thumb has been performed in 8 patients from july 1989 to nov . 1998 方法1989年7月1998年11月共8例拇指損傷應用中環指島狀皮瓣和(或)示指背側島狀皮瓣修復。

A red silk connects two ring fingers is from god which let us find the right person in the huge world , that ' s why we should be fortunate 連接兩個人無名指上的紅線,是神的饋贈。我們就是依靠它,在這個廣袤的天地間尋找著我們所愛的人。所以我無法想象我們有多幸運。

They lightly clasped hands . each of their wedding rings that shone on their left ring fingers sparkled more and more as if beaming with their love 他們輕輕地將十指緊扣在一起。仿佛為了他們的愛而微笑一般,兩枚結婚戒指在他們的無名指上閃耀著越來越燦爛的光芒。

The way of forming : gather the forefinger and the ring finger , laying the middle finger on them and keep the remaining two fingers attached together loosely 形成的方法:聚集食指和無名指,放置中指在他們上而且保持其余二根手指松弛地貼在一起。

Objective to evaluate the effect of repair of the thumb by transfer of island flaps from middle and ring fingers and / or index finger dorsal island flap 目的評價中環指島狀皮瓣和(或)示指背側島狀皮瓣轉移修復拇指損傷的療效。

The length of a girl ' s ring finger could be an indicator of her future sporting potential , researchers at king ' s college london said on thursday 倫敦國王學院的研究人員周四提出,從女性無名指的長度可以看出她的競技潛力。

The length of a girl ' s ring finger could be an indicator of her future orting potential , researchers at king ' s college london said on thursday 倫敦國王學院的研究人員周四提出,從女性無名指的長度可以看出她的競技潛力。

The length of a girl ' s ring finger could be an indicator of her future sporting potential , researchers at king ' s london said on thursday 倫敦國王學院的研究人員周四提出,從女性無名指的長度可以看出她的競技潛力。

In women the ring finger is commonly shorter or the same length as the index finger , while in men the ring finger is generally longer 女性的無名指通常比食指短,或和食指一樣長,但男性的無名指普遍比食指長。

A key ring is for carrying keys . a gold ring worn on the ring finger by a man or woman usually shows he or she is married 鑰匙圈是用來串鑰匙的。男女所戴的金戒指通常表示他或她已經結婚。